Friday, July 30, 2010

Morning Blessings

"Dear Lord, I open my heart to Your coming. Come close to me, Lord, and let me yield my whole being to You. Teach me to know myself and to fill my empty being with the radiant life of Your love, that I may become a fountain of blessing to quench my own thirsts and to offer love to meet the thirsts of my companions on this journey to You."
Susan Coupland

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Peppermint Paint

Today was a hot, humid, about to rain kind of day. I did not want to spend the morning at the park. The beach would have been lovely, but the other things we had planned for the day did not allow for the beach to fit into our day. What would be fun, novel and include nice cool water? "Peppermint Painting!" I painted a lot in the Spring and Summer with my pre-school classes. My students loved to paint with easels, with their paper clipped onto the fence, or with soapy water and paint brushes. Today I added peppermint essential oil to soapy water and grabbed a paint roller. My youngest(3 years old)was ready to paint. I swept our walkway, while my youngest painted our wall and door. I was behind him with a towel, so that no one would slip on our walkway. My youngest was wet and cool. He was busy and full of smiles.The soap helped clean our door and the peppermint oil will hopefully keep away bugs. This activity helped foster his imaginative play and assist in the gross motor skills that will eventually lead to the fine motor skills needed for handwriting.

Happy Summer!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What's for lunch

Shepherd's Pie-leftovers are new again!
Carmelized Onions
Baguette(corn bread for us GF girls)

Menu for the Upcoming Week

I have not been menu planning, but with my vacation here and my husband leaving for a trip, I feel the need to plan. Routine and rituals help me feel secure. The creativity of cooking brings me joy. A part of my heart is getting on a plane...and this will make me feel better.

Dinner 1-Shepherd's Pie
Dinner 2-Grilled Steak with Green Salad
Dinner 3-Corn Chowder
Dinner 4-Fish with Lemon Butter and Broccoli with Garlic and Olive Oil
Dinner 5-Pork ribs, Steak and rice and beans
Dinner 6-Pancakes
Dinner 7-Leftovers

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Another Fun, Fabulous and Free Day

I forgot to tell you about GWiz! We visited GWiz one Friday afternoon. It was a great way to escape the heat. The kids enjoyed the 3-D Art display, the health display, animals, and machines display. My youngest especially loved the new child's play area. I appreciated that the play area is inside and well padded. We are members of Mote Marine, and for the summer we have reciprical membership Happy Summer!

Rest Today

"Lord, our God, we are in the shadow of Your wings. Protect us and bear us up. You will care for us as if we were little children, even to our old age. When You are our strength we are strong, but when we are our own strength we are weak. Our good always lives in Your presence, and we suffer when we turn our faces away from You. We now return to You, O Lord, that we may never turn away again."
St. Augustine of Hippo

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Gift From Dorothy ValcĂ rcel, Author When A Woman Meets Jesus

"Lord, help us to be patient
With our children,
To give them time
When they need it,
To listen to their views
However much they may differ from ours.
Help us in our conversations together
That we may always trust each other.
As our children search for knowledge
Help us to learn with them."
Frank Topping